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Previous Events
Middle East, Caucasus & Turkey Meeting in Istanbul in 2018
Organized by the French Foreign Trade Advisors (CCEF)’s Office in Turkey and the Regional Economic Serviceof Ankara on December 6, 2018, this meeting brought together in the Turkish economic capital 75 French Foreign Trade Advisors and Heads of Economic Services from the Middle-East, Turkey and the Caucasus.
Bertrand Dumont, the Deputy Managing Director opened the discussions by presenting the Treasury’s vision of the global economic context and the major challenges for France. During the day, the participants were able to discuss several themes, among which: geopolitical and security context, new Silk Roads and Turkish influence in the region.
World Meeting of the French Trade Advisors, on October 4 & 5, 2018 in Paris
On May 21, 1898, the Institution was born with the decree fixing the mandate of French Trade Advisors (CCE) and the first promotion of advisers.
France’s Foreign Trade Advisors (CCEF) met on October 4 and 5 at the Maison de la Mutualité in Paris, during the 5th CCEF World Cup marked by the commemoration of the 120th anniversary of this institution. This event brought together nearly 1,000 advisors from all over the world to discuss globalization, analyze the major geopolitical changes underway, in order to give the keys to French companies to conquer new international markets.
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Visit of Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne in Dubai for the Regional Meeting of the CCEF in December 2017
Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, Secretary of State to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, went to Dubai on December 7, on the occasion of the Regional Meeting (Arabian Peninsula countries, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey) of the French Trade Advisors – CCEF -Chiefs of Economic Services and Business France officers.
In the evening, he participated in the award ceremony for the first “Grand Prix PME”, an award ceremony for Small to Medium Enterprises and the eighth “Grand Prix VIE”, an award ceremony for the International Volunteers in Enterprises, organized by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Committee of the CCEF, with the support of the SE of Abu Dhabi and the Business France office in Dubai.
Look back to the World Meeting of the French Trade Advisors in Video (October 2018)
On the occasion of this 5th world meeting, the French Trade Advisors celebrated their 120 years of existence around an event entitled “Mondialissisme”